Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Share the wealth

Speaking of this photo, which I photographed recently for a photography project and although it looks intriguing, does it not appear uncannily like a propaganda poster? Namely, a communist Soviet propaganda poster, a salut to Stalin, rather like the one below?
Astonishingly, the propaganda poster in question is by one of the two Russian artists whom I favour named G. G. Klutsis, whom I based another project on last year. Here, he creeps up on me again...

Let me digress because the eponymous Franz Ferdinand album is playing on loop, and the rhythmic drum beats are pounding away the thoughts that are the far and few in between. It sound more enticing than I remembered, which goes to show that some things are better the second time around. (and others, such as peaches both the artist and the fruit, are not however...)

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